降筆圖痕 The Descended Message

① 湧 Surge|單頻道錄像|8′45″  
② 痕 Track |雙頻道同步錄像裝置、圓弧木作|8′30″
③ 有於無形 Things in Noting|桃枝、切光陰影




《降筆圖痕》 創作計畫,將67年前麻豆水堀頭靈泉傳說的降筆儀式視為開端,陸續浮現的圖痕則為強化信仰傳遞的驗證。 對於信仰被感知的方式感到好奇,通過挖掘傳說背後的常民經驗與神性軌跡,探問靈性訊息交流與信仰圖像化背後的技術性脈絡,融合兩位事件關係者的經驗闡述,試圖凝聚、歸整、再現不同維度下影像交織的現實語境,最終建構出一種沒有時間限制的集體記憶。

「 一起飛在空中,產生畫面,形成神的視野」,觀察桃枝與空拍機兩者間的異同處,從技術工具的層面對應浮在空中的圖像可能,在可視與不可視中,延續人與神的精神連結關係。

Since the Qianlong era of the Qing Dynasty, when the story "Dragon's Throat and Phoenix Cave" was said, the multiple imaginations of the mysticism of Shuijuetou have been shaped. Whether it is the Qianlong Emperor and the feng shui geographer, or the Wufu Chishu and the prodigy, they all seem to be pulled together with an invisible thread, leading generations of residents in Mudou through time.

"The Descended Message" is a project that begins with the descending ceremony of the Spiritual Spring at Madou Shuijuetou Historical Site 67 years ago. The traces emerged one after another as a verification of the faith transmission. Curious about how beliefs are perceived, I explored the local stories and the traces behind the divine tales. I asked about the technical contexts behind the exchange of spiritual messages and the visualization of beliefs. I integrated the experiences of the two people involved in the event, to coalesce and reproduce the interwoven realities in different dimensions, and ultimately construct a collective memory with no time limit.

"They are flying together in the sly and create images and the vision of God."Observing the similarities and differences between the peach branch and the camera drone. We can face the possibility of images floating in the air with the response of technical tools. Continuing the spiritual connection between humans and God in visible and invisible ways.







本計畫於2023/02-05 總爺藝文中心駐村期間製作
This project was produced during a residency at the Tsung-Yeh Arts and Cultural Center from February to May 2023.

© Copyright Lu Chih Kai 2024