尖銳的鼓吹 The Advocacy of Peace

Special effects balloons, Anti-climbing spike strips, 
Timed fan system 
尺寸依空間大小而定 Dimensions variable


透過循環式灌卸氣系統,讓氣球裝置每半小時脹擴到接近刺釘的位置,當快碰到針刺的時候停止打氣,以簡約的運作形制,製造物理現象而體現恐怖平衡(Balance of terror),反覆演繹出可視與不可視的對峙時刻。氣球與尖銳表徵所明示的矛盾,凝固於制式的消磨樣態,游移在靠近與疏遠、未爆與破裂、平靜與危險的二元邊界點上,引領出感知時間的想像可能。


洩氣,充氣;再卸氣,再充氣,週而復始。 當極近針刺的氣球,隨著時間縮聚至原初的狀態,就像一切事情都沒(尚未)發生。我想藉著這樣的恐怖平衡,對應生活中每一個可能的危險,日常即戰鬥,切勿鬆懈!

Through a cyclical inflation-discharge gas system, the balloon apparatus inflates to near the position of the spikes every half hour. When it's close to the spikes, inflation stops, creating a minimalist operation to manifest the "Balance of Terror" through physical phenomena, depicting moments of visible and invisible confrontation. The contradiction implied by the balloons and sharp symbols is frozen in a standardized pattern of attrition, oscillating between proximity and distance, unexploded and ruptured, calmness and danger, leading to imaginative possibilities of perceived time.

The material confrontation is within the balloons and spikes. The conspicuous red balloons are no longer merely objects of spectacle but become carriers of rich metaphor, situated at the center of the chamber's gas exchange. The anti-climbing spike strips, serving as control tools, seemingly positioned on the periphery of the wall, quietly become the key to altering the inherent operational state. Finally, the audience appears externally to this mechanism, observing the exchange between the core and periphery through transparent display windows.

Inflate, deflate, and inflate again in an endless cycle. When the balloon, nearing the needle, converges over time to its original state, it's as if nothing has (will) happened. Through this balance of terror, I aim to correspond to every possible danger in life, where every day is a battle, so never let your guard down!

© Copyright Lu Chih Kai 2024