雲端勞力士 Rolex in the Sky

     Single-channel video  






意識到網路的影像傳播力對接起多個世代想像的狀態。網路社群的困境與焦慮,不再只拘限於年輕人,有人看 與 沒人看」成為情緒轉換的旋紐,甚至是有用與無用的區分,這便是我們此時此刻浸如其中的網際網絡。對應到阿伯自身,徒勞無功散佈在生活裡,或在工作的時空規律上,或反映在他的理想上。


There was a dialogue of drone images between the watchmaker and me. We started communicating both in the sky and on the ground. There were memories belonging to
him and the city in this area. In "Rolex in the Sky", I tried to explore the relationship between the online community, vertical photography, and time. We developed the
watchmaker's life with romance, freedom, and changes in his life.

© Copyright Lu Chih Kai 2024