小蜜蜂 Little Bee

單頻道錄像 (1′40′′)
Single-channel video
感熱紙印刷 (8 x 110 cm)
Prints on thermal paper

在〈小蜜蜂〉作品計畫中 ,我以錄像與攝影作為媒材進行創作,結合創作者與房仲業者對於資訊傳遞背後的想像,通過複製、還原、推演創造空間性的探索實驗。一方面,回到原先發現的地點,再製當年同樣的小廣告內容,貼在只剩下殘留泡棉膠痕跡的位置上,並且拍攝成錄像作品,試圖重塑當時發現時的實際情況。另一方面,我與房仲業者合作,請他介紹目前經手物件中,與當年小廣告內容近似的房型,並與屋主溝通後,進去該物件進行拍攝計劃。對我而言,〈小蜜蜂〉讓我與房仲一同進入了一個透過「獨棟電梯別墅、近高鐵、土地143坪、才5280萬」的資訊想像而生成的「真實空間」,此一真實奠基在我和他皆無法驗證當時那張小廣告內容中所形容物件的確切位置之上,如此想像得以隨著時間演進,加深範圍與密度,驀然回首之時,冒出一個介在虛實之間的延展機會。

〈小蜜蜂〉單頻道錄像部分以直幅的數位平板以支架掛載於牆面上,刻意將螢幕角度壓低,回應感知經驗中由下往上觀看號誌的視覺感,循環播放的影像乘載著光影轉換與模糊訊息交織的聯想氛圍,彷彿也凝結著「兩個現場」的觀看時刻;座落在平板裝置左手邊的半開電箱內,除了散落出微微的紅光外,也垂掛著一條長 8 x 寬 100 cm 的熱感紙印刷的攝影作品,藉由熱感紙黑白粗糙的影像質地與慢慢淡化的材質特性,試著與小廣告的高度汰換率有所對比,10張照片來自於房仲介紹物件內外的影像,體現模糊而寫實的居家環境。

In the project "Little Bee," I use video and photography as mediums for creation, combining the imaginations of creators and real estate agents behind information transmission, and conducting spatial exploration experiments through replication, restoration, and deduction. On the one hand, I revisit the locations where I originally discovered the small advertisements, replicate the same content from that time, and place them where only remnants of foam adhesive remain. I then film this process to attempt to recreate the actual circumstances of the discovery. On the other hand, I collaborate with real estate agents to identify properties currently available that resemble the content of the small advertisements from back then. After communicating with the homeowners, we proceed with filming in these properties. For me, "Little Bee" allows me to enter a "real space" generated through the imagination of information such as "detached elevator villa, near high-speed rail, 143 square meters of land, only 52.8 million" with the real estate agent. This reality is built upon the inability for both of us to verify the exact location of the properties described in the advertisement content, allowing this imagination to evolve over time, deepening in scope and density. Upon reflection, it presents an opportunity for extension between reality and imagination.

The single-channel video component of "Little Bee" features a vertical digital tablet mounted on the wall with a bracket deliberately angled downwards, echoing the visual experience of viewing signals from bottom to top. The looping video carries an associative atmosphere of light and shadow transformations intertwined with blurry messages, as if also encapsulating the viewing moments of "two scenes." Within the half-opened electrical box to the left of the tablet, besides emitting a faint red light, hangs a 8 x 100 cm thermal paper print of photographic works. Through the rough black-and-white texture and the gradual fading characteristics of thermal paper, contrasting with the high turnover rate of small advertisements, 10 photographs depict the blurred yet realistic home environments from both inside and outside the properties introduced by the real estate agent.

© Copyright Lu Chih Kai 2024