折返跑 We go way back

TaiWu New Village Cultural And Creative Park

2024.01.03 - 2024.02.29 

︎ https://reurl.cc/ezDmeQ



Starting from here and running to the other side, then turning around and running back to the initial position, Out-and-back is the occurrence between the origin and the end.

Time was first demonstrated in mathematical momentum, and time does not exist when things do not change scientifically. But what is the so-called "real time" that is outside of the change? And what happens when "nothing happens"? This exhibition is an experiment by the two artists to talk about various unfinished shapes, and to think about the retention of experience through images. They respond to memory with readymades, and to respond to the proposition of the narrative cycle. Events with zero displacement will vibrate at both ends of the path, eventually recalling time itself.

© Copyright Lu Chih Kai 2024