
森林的秘密 The Secret of An Art World

Inart Space

2022.03.10 - 2023.04.10

︎ https://ssur.cc/RifrnPm


原住民植物學家羅賓基默爾(Robin W. Kimmerer)用古老傳說和直覺,以及科學的探究,深入解析苔蘚之於森林的功能:在廣闊的雨林生態系中僅占三千分之一的苔蘚植物,卻供養著每一個存在於森林的各式物種,讓彼此互依共存、連結牽絆。苔蘚是多數植物向上發展與向下生根的生態護甲及能量供應鏈,儘管它們的物理構造相當簡單,且大多匍匐在地,但如網狀一般的莖葉鋪面,是緊緊牽繫著每一種動植物的存在要件,它們所提供的庇蔭及保水功能,對於森林中的蕨、葉、芽、木,甚至是飛禽走獸,都扮演著微小低調卻不可或缺的支撐系統。


如同微渺的苔蘚之於鬱鬱森林,作為深探山林野地的媒介和秘密知識,「臺南新藝獎」的十年鋪陳與蔓延,如一片清新的青苔與岩石交織而成的織錦地氈,提供了新銳藝術家成長茁壯為巨樹瀚林的養分。在每一屆專業篩選和策展媒合的解碼過程,讓藝術的審美天賦、文化思辨和時代性的創造能力,如同在物種間交流的水氣,滋潤與釋出,涵養著土地岩石與流動大氣陰陽交界的豐富苔象。藝術學院、美術館、商業畫廊各自獨特的存在及其之間的盤根共生、訊息交換,都恰如其分地滿足各生態系統的微小生態區位和物種棲息地,如羅賓基默爾挪借文學家維吉尼亞吳爾芙(Virginia Woolf)有關「自己的房間」的譬喻,她用一種相當包容與涵養的氣質描述這些棲地,它們讓各物種得以避開競爭、彼此共存共享地成長茁壯,好比藝術體制與畫廊空間濡養出多元型態的創作者。

The Secret of An Art World— Narrating the 10-year Milestone of the Next Art Tainan

Curator: Lin Ping

By embracing instincts and ancient legends, as well as pursuing scientific exploration, botanist Robin W. Kimmerer studies the function of mosses in the forest. Though areas covered by mosses only make up a tiny fraction of the vast rainforest ecosystem, mosses support all the different species in the forest, allowing interdependent lives to coexist and connect. Mosses are simple in structure, but they provide ecological protection and energy supply for most plants to grow tall or build deep roots. Moss stems and leaves, like a dense mat or web, weave together all the survival elements for animals and plants. Also mosses provide shade and water retention. It is easy to disregard them, yet they play the role of an indispensable support system for floras and faunas in the forest.

The reason to talk about mosses is because I think a well-established art ecosystem resembles that of a moss forest. Just like how the lives of a plethora of species are intertwined, for an art ecosystem to grow and mature, it not only depends on the creative energy of artists, but also on many other factors, from gallery support for emerging artists, audience participation, to collectors’ enthusiasm. Founded in 2013, Next Art Tainan awards will soon celebrate its tenth anniversary. We are committed to showcasing emerging artists and their works, and introducing them to commercial galleries and the general art market. Over the last decade, we have awarded close to 130 emerging artists. Upon receiving the awards, these artists enjoy broader and elevated career pathways, and collectively they form an inspiring artistic current.

Next Art Tainan has become an influential interface that nourishes the artistic creativity of emerging artists, promotes public showcasing, cultivates aesthetic sensibility, broadens the collector community, and supports the art collection and trading market. Despite limited resource, Next Art Tainan continues to grow and expand. We also partnered with Art Tainan Expo in recent years, a synergistic alliance that offers our awarded artists more opportunities into the art market. Thanks to the persistent engagement of all stakeholders year after year, we have gradually created a vibrant art industry based in Tainan that embodies diverse art forms with pluralistic themes.

Most mosses are small and inconspicuous, but they hold the key to the secrets of the lush forest. They are the medium for exploring the wilderness. Over the last decade, Next Art Tainan has spread and broadened its influence like spreading mosses that form a green, velvety carpet, and has provided the nourishment for emerging artists to grow and flourish into tall trees, and even a vast forest. During the award selection and curatorial process, different ideas concerning aesthetic appreciation, cultural critics and contemporary art creativity mingle and collide. This is like how water and air flows among and nourishes the various species, and together with the rocks on the land, form an extremely abundant moss scape.

Art schools, art museums and galleries all try to survive with each own’s merit, yet there is also a symbiosis among them. Each of them carries out its own appropriate role in the micro-ecological zones and habitats. Robin W. Kimmerer describes these habitats to be very inclusive and nurturing, like “A Room of One’s Own” by Virginia Woolf, which allows species to grow and flourish without competition. The same concept applies to how art institutions and galleries can work together to nurture diverse artists, and Next Art Tainan prides itself for playing the intermediate role.

© Copyright Lu Chih Kai 2024